The Fear that Covid-19 Brings

Covid-19, the topic that is on everyones minds. We go on Facebook and every other article is about the virus. We turn on the television, it’s all you hear, they even have commercials about it. There really isn’t an escape from the overwhelming news. If you are feeling anxious, afraid, or angry, you are not alone. I can feel my anxiety has been on high for about a week now. There are so many emotions flooding through my head.


I need to let out some thoughts. Please be kind.


When the Coronavirus first started to be talked about, I didn’t think too much about it. I honestly thought it would be something that would just quickly come and quickly go. Fast forward a month later and look where we are. People are getting sick. People are passing away. Businesses are closing down. The virus is spreading and its spreading quickly.


Kory and I were talking the other day about Beau. We said we couldn’t imagine if he were here and how scary it would be during this time. Beau was born at 25 weeks and 5 days. He was a micro-preemi. His little lungs were not developed yet, he would have been high risk through all of this. Did God take our baby before all of this happened, because he knew Beau would have suffered more had he gotten sick now? We are comforted in knowing that Beau is in Heaven. Beau is safe, he can breathe with no tubes, he isn’t in pain.


What scares us about all of this. We have suffered the loss of our son this last year, we don’t want to go through the pain of losing anyone else. We are still grieving. We can’t imagine having to grieve the loss of another family member or friend. You might not think you will get the Coronavirus, but it could happen to you. I have that fear in the back of my head that it could even happen to either Kory or I. I was scared to go to the grocery store the other day. I had to talk myself into it, put on my lavender oil to calm my nerves and just went. I have not left the house since. Please, stay home!! Please, do it for your family, for your friends, for all of those who are high risk, and for all of those who CAN’T stay home. The sooner we step up and do our part to flatten the curve, the quicker this shall pass and we can all try to get back to our “normal” lives.


One last thing. As all of this is going on, my heart hurts extra for those who are having to cancel their fertility treatments during this time. The couples who were ready to start their IVF cycles or a new treatment plan and now had to cancel or postpone them until the unknown. The couples who are cringing every time they see a joke about a coronavirus baby boom in 9 months. Those couples might be the ones who are praying every day for a miracle and to see those two pink lines. Those couples who would do anything and would be so grateful to get pregnant and have a baby in 9 months. The couples who are realizing their dreams of having a baby in 2020 is almost gone if they don’t conceive this month. Please just think twice before you make a joke, you don’t always know who is struggling on the inside.


I know that we will get through this. This too shall pass. Lean on your friends and family when you are feeling anxious. Keep your mind busy. Talk to God, he is always listening and hears your prayers. As always, you can reach out to us at anytime.

“The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace.” -Psalm 29:11

All Our Love,

Haylee and Kory


My Heart Hurts


Taking The First Leap