Life After Death

It has been 6 months since our sweet Beau Rylee took his final breaths in our arms and went home to heaven. How come it still feels like it was just yesterday? Yet it still seems unreal that we were actually pregnant, had a baby and watched our baby pass away. The shock of what happened, we don’t think it will really ever go away.

The moment they placed Beau back into our arms right after he passed away.

The moment they placed Beau back into our arms right after he passed away.

When people say to us, “I don’t know how you do it.” or “I can’t imagine”. Honestly we don’t usually have the right answer to say back. We have come to realize that it IS okay. Because we did not have a choice. We don’t know how we do it. We can’t imagine either. We didn’t plan to struggle with infertility. We didn’t plan to have two miscarriages. We surely didn’t plan to have our miracle baby pass away.

Life after losing your baby is hard. The world keeps on turning. Everyone moves on with their lives. Reality sets in and we realize that our baby is never coming back. I know they say that “Time heals all wounds”. But in reality, time keeps going and the grieving doesn’t end. It is really hard. We have good days, and bad days and absolutely terrible days.

We are so thankful that we have each other, our families, old and new friends and all of you for the continued support. We are excited to see where this new journey takes us. Keeping Beau alive in our hearts forever.

More to come.

All Our Love,

Kory and Haylee



What does “Okay” Mean? Update On Us.


A New Chapter