Its Go Time

What a whirlwind of a week. Happy National Infertility Awareness Week.

In the past this was a week that I spent years hiding our story. Years that I was too afraid to tell people I was struggling. I was ashamed, I was frustrated and I was sad. Sad that I could not give my husband a baby. Sad that I couldn’t just get pregnant. Sad that God kept placing the hardest of trials in our laps.

I finally found my tribe. After 5.5 years of trying, we got pregnant with Beau, and we were finally brave enough to share our story. I opened up and found so many couples with stories like ours. After losing our son, I know that his little life here on this earth was for a reason. He helped us to be brave enough to share our journey. The hardships, good, bad, and the ugly. I know that Beau is still living on with us every single day. He helps us keep pushing on in our fertility journey. Giving up is not an option.

Photo Credit : Josie Lana Photography

Photo Credit : Josie Lana Photography

This last Sunday, my good friend and fellow infertility warrior Katelyn and I set up a get together with infertility couples in our area. We have had this dream for awhile. To finally be able to gather and join families together in our community. You guys, it was so wonderful. Familiar faces all around. We also got to finally meet families that we both have only talked to over the internet. Couples that are in the wait, pregnant, and have completed their families. This was the first of many more events to come. A big thank you to Josie Lana Photography for coming and taking pictures for us. Cody Creative for your videography work. WSAW and WAOW news stations for coming and spreading the word about infertility.

Katelyn and I were able to sit down together and talk about our journeys through infertility. We want to show others they are not alone. We want to bring our small little community together. We are 1 in 8. Check out our video below.

What better timing then to get to end NIAW by having my surgery on FRIDAY April 23!


We will be traveling to Green Bay very early Friday morning to be to the hospital by 6:45am. I had my pre op appointment with Dr. Coussons last week via video call. We briefly went over what to expect, recovery and the big question of when we can start trying again.

If you have read our last couple of blogs, you will know that I have a uterine septum. The plan is to get two surgeries done at one time. Dr. Coussons will start by doing a hysteroscopy of my uterus. He will insert his scope vaginally and check what the uterine septem looks like. Then he will begin the removal of as much as the septum as he can with out causing any damage to my uterus. Once the septum is removed, he will insert a balloon into my uterus to keep it opened and prevent the uterus from sticking together and causing scar tissue. This will help it heal, while the lining of my uterus thickens again. I will have this balloon in my uterus for a week. (insert sigh). Once the removal of the septum is complete, he will move on to the trans abdominal cerclage. This part of the surgery will be a robotic laparoscopic procedure. He will go in through tiny incisions in my abdomen area and place the cerclage at the top of my cervix. This cerclage will only be 1 stitch, but will have 7 knots in it and end with another stitch, to ensure the cerclage will not come undone. As far as recovery goes, he told me I would have some cramping and should be able to be back to light exercise by next week. I just need to take it easy and I will know what I can and can not do.

When will we be able to start trying for a baby again? Exciting news, he told me we only need to wait until my period comes this next cycle. So with in 2-4 weeks. He also mentioned that we will try on our own for 4-6 months, if nothing happens then we will start fertility treatments again. Meaning we could jump into doing IUI again or other options. Praying it just happens and God brings us another miracle.

If you have it in your heart, please keep myself and Kory in your prayers this Friday. Surgery is scheduled for 8:45 in the morning. We will keep you all updated once surgery is complete. Be sure to follow us on instagram @bea.unbreakable and our facebook page “Beyond Expectations and Unbreakable - Beau Rylee Kaiser- The NICU Warrior”. We will be posting updates on those pages as well.

Thank you for all the love, prayers and support.

All Our Love,

Haylee and Kory


Surgery and Recovery


Consult with Dr. Coussons